

In common with most primary schools in West Sussex, admission to Bolney CEP School is co-ordinated by a team based in Horsham.
Applications for years Reception through to Year 6, should be made online following the WSCC link below.
Pupil Admissions Office, Adults’ & Children’s Learning,
County Hall North, Chart Way, Horsham, West Sussex
RH12 1XA

Telephone: 0845 0751007
Fax: 01403 240158
Email: admissions@westsussex.gov.uk

WSCC Pupil Admissions office 
Please follow this link to their website to apply for a place at Bolney Church of England Primary School.
Bolney CEPS has a Pupil Admission Number of 16 per year group.

Arrangements for Starting School – WSCC has published on its website the facility to search online for catchment school by address. It is available at: Catchment Area