
Emotional Wellbeing for Children

As a school, we are committed to support the families of our school. We have a shared goal of supporting your whole-child's development. However, families can experience challenging times for a multitude of different reasons. To help support you, we have subscribed to the Solihul courses that are aimed at parents, carers and grandparents to develop a deeper understanding of their children. 
Should you wish to access this, either scan the QR on the flyer below or visit www.inourplace.com. Our access code is BOLNEYCEPS
Course Titles
1) Understanding your child: from toddler to teenager
2) Understanding your child with additional needs
3) Understanding your child's feelings (a taster course)
4) Understanding your child's mental health and well-being
5) Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your child
6) Understanding your teenager's brain
7) Understanding the impact of the pandemic on your teenager
8) Understanding your brain (for teenagers only!)
9) Understanding your feelings (for teenagers only!)
There are multiple modules within each of these titles.