

Welcome to Beech Class
Year 1 and Year 2

 This term our Big Question is:
Did you need an umbrella on the way to school?
We will be learning about the elements.
Our PE days are WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. Please come to school in PE kit on those days.
If you need to contact me please email: dtaylor@bolneyprimary.school

Home Learning 
Daily reading (and recording in Reading Diary) - This might be a fiction book, newspaper, magazine, non-fiction book, instructions, recipe, directions, or any form of reading! Books will be changed bi-weekly on a Tuesday and a Friday. The children will be given a ‘reading level’ book and they can select a ‘choice book’ from the library or book corner. Please bring books back to school or we cannot change them. If you find that children are reading the book at speed after a few days, my advice would be to use the 'vipers' suggestions on the website to support their comprehension further. 
Times Table/Maths Practice -  You may use Numbots, later in the year we will move year 2 over to TT Rockstars. Your childs log in can be found glued to the inside of their home reading diary. Real-life maths – shopping, baking, measuring, and telling the time for example.
Homework Grid – This grid includes a selection of homework tasks to support the class’s big question this term and its focus characteristics.  Choose two tasks a week so that by the end of the term, you should have completed all the tasks.  Share them by emailing work to the class teacher or by taking photos to bring to school. There is a whole school homework display board in the library we shall be sharing all the home learning across the school towards the end of the term.
Spellings – These will be sent out on Friday via email and paper copy. I will be doing a spelling check on Thursday mornings with the children. These spellings will be inspired by the sounds we learn in the week and some common exception words (words where the usual spelling rule doesn't apply).
If you need any support with home learning, please email me and I will do the best I can to help. 
Thank you,
Mrs Daniella MARTIN

Class Teacher

Miss Penny BRYANT

Teaching Assistant