
Hotline to Heaven

Hotline to Heaven is a club that meets once a week during the lunch break and is led by our Foundation Governor. 
Hot Line to Heaven began 10 years ago when we as a school wanted to provide a space during the lunch time break for children to come voluntarily, to take time out of their busy days , to explore what it means to pray to their loving heavenly Father. 
We use lots of creative methods to talk to God: sometimes craft, sometimes song or dance or even on the odd occasion to pray, a game. 
We take inspiration from the seasons, celebrations and the Liturgical( Church of England ) calendar. Children and sometimes even staff come and are welcome whether they share the Christian faith or not. It is a time to share and pray for each other also. If the weather permits, we almost always meet outside in the Peace Garden. 
Jo Glew Foundation Governor and leader of Hotline to Heaven club