

Silver Birch Class
Year 5 & 6

Welcome to Term 2!  
We had a busy first half term with a variety of enrichment and learning opportunities.  Table Talk, Bikeability, visiting a Mosque, starting Godly Play, Harvest and Horsham Museum to name a few.
We will continue with the big question, 'Is there life after death?' this term as we also continue our theme of Ancient Egyptians.  We have learned lots but there is still lots to do! 
Our learning journey and home learning grid are still below, thank you for all the fantastic tasks so far!
Our PE days will be Wednesday and Thursday and children will come to school in PE kits ready for PE lessons. 

If you would like to contact me please email: cjames@bolneyprimary.school

Mrs Clare James

Class Teacher

Mrs Ann Marie Bohm

Teaching Assistant / Midday Meals Supervisor

Mrs Carole Wood

Teaching Assistant, HLTA