

Our vision for mathematics at Bolney School is to provide opportunities where our children are able to apply their reasoning and problem solving skills based on their knowledge and what has been taught in class. Teachers support and motivate the children to self-initiate opportunities to deepen their own understanding through questioning which leads to rich mathematical discussion in class. Where possible, teachers link mathematics to other areas of the curriculum to help them understand how maths helps us make sense of the world.

At Bolney, we ensure there is a consistency in approaches to calculation across all classes which is supported by the school's calculation policy. Teachers draw on a range of mathematical equipment to create the best possible learning environment for our pupils, moving the children from the stages of concrete (using equipment) to pictorial (drawing diagrams and pictures) and lastly to abstract (formal calculations). This allows children of all abilities to access the curriculum at a level that is appropriate for them.

Teachers empower children to self-challenge themselves in lessons and provide problems that allow them the freedom to follow a line of enquiry. Children then discuss their findings and pose questions to investigate further.

Time is taken to provide opportunities for children apply what they have been taught to deepen their learning and we revisit and consolidate different mathematical areas as needed. Children are then confident to solve a range of familiar and unfamiliar problems as well as building their confidence and resilience in their learning.  

To promote strong fluency, we use encourage the children to regularly practise their times tables in school as well as at home. This equips children with lifelong skills needed in everyday problem solving. We want them to know that maths is essential to life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.