
Friends of Bolney

Welcome to ‘Friends of Bolney CEP School’
The Friends of Bolney CEPS helps enrich the lives of the children at the school by raising money to fund opportunities and activities which are outside the scope or resource of the school’s budget. Please see below for recent newsletters.

Being Chair of the Friends of Bolney CEPS is an exciting, diverse and rewarding opportunity to meet new people and contribute to the lives of the children at the school.

How can I get involved?
There are a number of ways in which anyone can contribute. These include:
  • Spending a few hours helping at a fundraising event
  • Attending meetings to share your views as a parent
  • Participating as an Officer – Chair, Treasurer or Secretary
  • Joining one of the sub-committees for a specific event or activity
  • Attending fundraising events and donating to appeals.

When do we meet?
Once every half term on average and as required for specific events.
I’d love to get involved!
Visit and like our Facebook page, look for Friends of Bolney CEP.

If you would like to donate to the Friends of Bolney, please contact our Treasurer, via the school office office@bolneyprimary.school

We are a registered UK charity (charity number 1120446) and are registered with HMRC to claim gift aid.

Mrs Clare Pope
